Sunday, April 28, 2013

Story of Hell or Heaven after death

There was a man who had a strong belief as there should be something after everyone’s death either Hell or Heaven, so he was good to himself and to his surroundings. When time came for him to say Goodbye to the world he was brought before the GOD. He was very curious to know where he will be send. He asked GOD “Is there really a Hell & Heaven, if so where I will be send?” .On hearing it GOD gave a big smile and he gave him a Choice to choose, he showed two houses one on his right hand side & another on his left hand side and asked him to choose. On over curiosity he said he needs to look on both the houses & then only he will decide. He assumes those two houses as one to be hell & another to be heaven in his mind.
First he went to Hell house, it was really amazing neatly furnished, with lots and lots of different variety of food items & many people were around it. The thing he noted is all the food items are kept in separate gatherings in separate tables with one person on each table. But NO ONE IS EATING, no one is happy, no one is healthy everybody was weak in that house.
Secondly he went to heaven house, it was too really amazing neatly furnished with lots of food items & many people were around it. Here all the food items are placed in a common table and all the people are together eating, singing & enjoying. Everybody looked healthy & happy in that house.
This Guy came to the GOD as he was little confused since everything was same between the two houses but in one house people was weak , sad , no one was eating or chatting but in another people where happier , healthier , eating , chatting & enjoying together .He asked the reason to GOD. For that GOD replied.
Son, you have not clearly noticed them. All those people in both the houses were tied with a 4 feet spoon & fork to their hands. In One House, people are so selfish that they want to have those food themselves so they separated, discriminated & named even the tables as their property. They tried to intake those food themselves since they can’t they are not able to eat and they were weak.
But in the another house people loved each other , so they were together .They helped the person next to him to feed hence they were eating and they were healthy, happy & enjoying .

GOD said him that HELL & HEAVEN is not something which is away from Earth .Its only up to us how we behave with our surroundings either to make your place as HELL or HEAVEN .

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